Welcome to the International Academy of Ceramic Implantology

Dr. Andrea Borgonovo, DDS

Dr. Andrea Borgonovo, DDS

Lecture Topic:
One piece and two pieces ceramic implants in oral rehabilitation: Clinical and experimental evaluation


In the recent years, the dental implantology has evolved towards the research of alternative materials to titanium. The zirconia implants becomes a optimal metal free alternative in modern dentistry, at first used in their one-piece variant, have been further developed thanks to the introduction of the two-piece version.

In the first part of the  lecture the AA describe the peculiarities of one piece zirconia dental implants and long term results of clinical and experimental studies   analyzing survival and success rates, soft tissue health and radiographic marginal bone loss (MBL) with 15 years follow-up. The second part of the lecture the AA present an scientific literature overview of two-piece zirconia implants, recently introduced in the panorama of ceramic implantology, offering new and different clinical solution to complete the possibility of metal free restorations , moreover the AA show  their clinical experience results  in order to understand current indications , morphological characteristics and success rate of these implants.

About Dr. Andrea Borgonovo, DDS :

He graduated in Medicine and  postgraduated  in  Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery  with honors at the University of Milan.  He started his Academic Career in 2005 as Clinical  Assistant Professor  at the School of Oral Surgery, at the University of Milan. Recently He obtained the  national Abilitation for  Associate Professor  and was admitted at University of Murcia as Visiting professor of Implantology and at Ludes Foundation University of Malta as Adjunct Professor of Oral Surgery.

Actually He is Vice Chief  of Department of Esthetic Dentistry of University of Milan  focuses  his practice on  reconstructive surgery, , Orthognathic surgery and oral implantology  with specific interest in metal free rehabilitation. He is  author of a more than 150  international pubblications , and speaker at more than 350 national and international conferences. He is author of 4  surgery’s books