The International Academy of Ceramic Implantology is excited to announce the launch of its new credentialing program for dental professionals. IAOCI is dedicated to advancing the research and scientific evidence of ceramic implantology, and this program represents a significant step towards achieving that goal.
The program offers two levels of certification – Fellow (FIAOCI) and Diplomate (DIAOCI) – both of which demonstrate a high level of expertise in ceramic implantology. The candidates who successfully complete the rigorous requirements of the program will join a distinguished community of IAOCI members, demonstrating their commitment to excellence and their dedication to providing the highest level of care to their patients.
Benefits of CredentialingÂ
- Directory listing on the IAOCI website (short photo and bio for IAOCI Diplomates)
- Discount for IAOCI and related events (10% off from Congress registration)
- Credentialing Certificate (for office and website display)
- Credentialing Initials (FIAOCI for Fellows and DIAOCI for Diplomates)
IAOCI Credentialing Requirements
Requirements for Fellow:
- Active dental license
- Active membership at IAOCI for at least 2 years (from the date of application)
- Has taken 30 CE units on ceramic implantology in the last 2 years from application date (attending 2 IAOCI Congresses will qualify them)
- Has placed 30 ceramic implants, OR has restored 30 ceramic implants, OR has placed AND restored 15 ceramic implants
- Submit an application and pay application fee ($500)
- Submit a powerpoint with UNALTERED photos and xrays of 20 cases (10 cases for those who place and restore) at least one year since placement
- Fellowship status will remain active for as long as the doctor maintains active membership in IAOCI and attends 1 IAOCI congress every 3 years
- Certificates will be awarded at the IAOCI Congress
Requirements for Diplomate
- Fellowship status for 3 years
- Has taken 100 CE units of ceramic implantology in the last 4 years from application OR has attended 4 ceramic conferences (IAOCI/ESMI/EAOCIM/ABICERAM) in the last 10 years
- Has placed 100 ceramic implants, has restored 100 ceramic implants, or has placed and restored 50 ceramic implants (at least one multiple unit bridge or full arch)
- Submit application, pay $1000 processing fee, submit list and powerpoint of 20 cases – unaltered (10 complete cases for those who place and restore)
- Has presented a poster on the topic of ceramic implants at any conference or has lectured at a conference on ceramic implants, or submit a published case report
- Recommendation letter from 2 existing Diplomates of IAOCI
- Diplomate status will remain active as long as the doctor maintains active membership in IAOCI and attends 1 IAOCI congress every 3 years
Questions? Email credentialing@iaoci.com