Welcome to the International Academy of Ceramic Implantology



Zirconia Implant Research Group (Z.I.R.G) was established by International Academy of Ceramic Implantology (IAOCI) to provide a platform for scientific studies and exchange of ideas with regards to metal free implantology and dental bioceramics. 

The Z.I.R.G  objectives are to lead and orient research in metal free implantology and  support young and established clinicians in clinical and scientific research. The Zirconia Implant Research Group also aims to established some guidelines and make when necessary position statements with regards to ceramic implantology.

We also look to be able to raise and leverage funds in order to  promote and finance selected key research projects which will be discussed and selected by the group.

In the future Z.I.R.G looks to be the first non-governmental, non-academic-based organization to assign research grants in ceramic implant dentistry and related fields. Funding is not restricted to ZIRG Members and Fellows, but is open to applicants worldwide based on topic relevance and need.

The Committee meets once a year during its annual congress to decide on project support and outlook to the future. However periodic meetings over the internet via skype and other electronic communication forums will be scheduled as deemed necessary.

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